Readings with Spiritual Artist and Medium - Colin Hall

By Charlotte Players (other events)

Tuesday, February 20 2024 7:30 PM 9:30 PM EDT

Colin uses his creativity to give evidential demonstrations of the survival of the soul and proof of life after death. As a teacher in the areas of metaphysical and spiritual art, Colin takes us into the Great Deva Kingdom of the four elements: Air, Water, Earth, Fire. The more Colin’s artwork is studied, the more the “essence” of power and peace radiates from his paintings. “It’s a wonderful way to work with the Spirit World: a way of unlocking the doors to the inspiration and creativity that are dormant within all of us.”Colin’s Art is strongly influenced by Celtic, Chinese and Art Nouveau styles, with their endlessly flowing forms. His paintings feature mythical images of Gods and Goddesses, and the nature of a world that dwells all around and within us.

Mailing Address

1182 Market Circle Port Charlotte, FL 33953